About The Device

The James Wang Safety Device is a micro computer that uses advanced patented technology alongside electronic lisence plate to display vehicle and driver conditions. There is a speech processor for voice feedback to listener. There is a cell phone transponder for text and call two way communication. There is a micro controller to handle all functions. There is a gps receiver for global coordinates. Alcohol censor capable of detetcting detects 0.08 BAC encorporated as well. System can be configured for multi-functionality.

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Safety Device Features


License Plate Display


Audio Warnings


GPS Functions


Alcohol Censors


Panic Button


Patented Technology

License Plate Display

System of lights on lisence plate used to alert other drivers of car status. Lights will be green if all is good, red if any thing is wrong such as: no insurance, no registration, driver entoxicated or panic button activated. Other functionality can be added as needed to alert other drivers of police of safety hazards.

Alcohol Sensor

Device can detect 0.08 BAC and higher environmental alcohol condition inside car, mainly over driver seat. Passenger BAC will not alert system. Red light on plates will flash to warn other drivers that vehicle operator is entoxicated. Other functions can be added as needed, such as alerting dmv, police, insurance co and much.

Audio Warnings

System will alert driver that they are exceeding the speed limit on street while driving using GPS positioning. As an audible detector it is easy to hear and take adequate action to reduce speed. If driver continues to drive over the speed limit after audio warnings, text can be sent to dmv, police, insurance co. etc.

GPS Functionality

GPS functionality adaptable for all basic travel functions. Coordinates for speed limit zones can be encorporated using audio ques to alert driver. Driver directions using audio systems also available. System can also be tracked in the event of stolen vehicle or extenuating circumstances.

Panic Button

Press button on device will turn plate lights flashing red to alert other drivers that car/driver is under duress. If car is stolen dmv can turn all lights flashing red to alert police and other drivers. When paniced, DMV will receive panic text with gps cordinates and police will be notified.

Patented Technology

This device uses advaced patented technology that can be aplied for all facests of vehicle safety. Industrys that may be interested include: insurace, government, law enforcement, vehicle manufatures and more. Device may be applied to other industries based off of its adaptability and functionality.

Device Demonstration

Technology Inquireies

For all inquires about our patented technology or to inquire about a live product demonstration please contact us below and a representative will reply via email. Thank you for your interest in keeping our roads and drivers safe.

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